Thursday, March 11, 2010

Broca's aphasia

Conversations with the Disabled Guy

Many years ago- and I was reminding DG of this today after he declared the Selective Service is "how they find you"- he got a jury summons in the mail. I called the special phone number that's on the summons to explain why he can't serve on a jury. It went something like this:

Me: "My husband is disabled from a stroke. He can't retain new information and suffers from aphasia and apraxia [then I explained what those are]."Woman: "So he's disabled?" Next...

Companies join innovation contest

By Bob Rae
SEVEN South Yorkshire companies, including four university spin outs, will be among those bidding for thousands of pounds worth of investment at Venturefest, Yorkshire's premier science and technology showcase.
Spin outs appearing in Venturefest's University Showcase include Highball Climbing, Sheffield Therapy for Aphasia Rehabilitation, Dig the Web and a new development for preventing and treating infection of the hospital super bug MRSA. Next...